Weipp! Assalamualaikum & hi! I knowww its been a looong time since i last updated my blog. I was so busy with my studies; assignments, self-study, presentation, examination, etc...so many things to be focused on! But Alhamdulillah everything went well and now i'm undeniably happy to say that i've survived my one sem here in UPM. Hehehe. So now, here i am, on my way to update my blog for you readers :p
To be honest, i really wanted to make a blog post about UPM since i first came here but time didn't let me to :( Now dah cuti seminggu ni baru ada masa nak update blog hahaha i'm glad! #SyukurSelalu
The Best of UPM #ASPerXII
Most parents will surely be like "Besarnya UPM!" kalau first time masuk sini. Betul kan? Hahaha. Ok first thing first, i wanna talk with you guys about Foundation of Agricultural Science here. I know there are still some students yg kalau boleh mmg taknak masuk sini. Why? Its just because of the words "Agricultural Science". Sains Pertanian. Petani moden ke? Hahaha no la, people should actually open their mind, yes we do study about Agriculture here in UPM but that doesn't mean we only will be working in the agriculture field. We can also be a successful doctor, engineer, lecturer, scientist, accountant, pakar vet & so on sbb asasi sains pertanian ni sama je dgn asasi sains kat universiti lain. Its just that we have an additional subject which is Agriculture.
At first, i was kinda afraid if i couldn't deal with this subject sbb "pertanian". Something that i didn't have interest in. At all. But now, for me this subject is really something. Its not that hard, subject ni la yg korang boleh depend on for a better pointer and its actually really fun! Every week, akan ada sehari untuk lecture, which waktu ni la most students akan tiduq lena dalam kuliah hahaha, and akan ada satu hari lagi untuk practical class. Practical class ni la yg best nya sbb masa ni la dapat lupakan stress study, dapat eratkan lagi hubungan dgn kawan kawan kuliah and dapat experience banyak benda baru, trust me!
Aku ni sebagai one of foundation students kat sini nak cakap sikit la yg Agriculture is a business :) You'll have a better understanding of that phrase kalau korang study pasal pertanian. Mungkin waktu ni korang akan realise (like me..omg i'm so lame haha) yg pertanian pun boleh buat korang jadi billionare, boleh buat korang berjaya. Even though i know i wouldn't choose this subject to further my study masa degree nanti, i will still respect anyone yg minat pertanian. So, for anyone yg pandang rendah dgn pertanian, drop your expectation. Sbb pertanian lah korang dpt makan nasi sekarang tahu? Ni yg aku emo ni hahaha.
What it feels to be one of ASPer-ians? To be honest, i think its really a great blessing. I'm glad i chose to be here. I'm happy with my decision. Yea, mmg sometimes ada je benda yg tak kena, but thats life. Ada masa kita kat atas, ada masa kita kat bawah. And to survive here in UPM, kita betul betul kena pandai guna masa sbb ada 3 sem, and dalam 1 sem tu examination dia dekat dekat je. I know ada yg pressure study but like my mum always says to me, "Asasi mmg pack. Degree nanti boleh la rehat rehat sikit". So tak kisahlah kat mana pun, we still need to study well for our own sake. Kalau nak UPM simpan tempat untuk kita masa degree nanti, show them we're worth that seat. Ceh cakap mcm dah pro je padahal baru habis 1 sem kat sini hahaha i'm sorry, i'm just sharing what i feel to be here xD
I know some of you guys will be like "promote UPM ke?" hahaha but nope, the reason i'm writing all these things is i wanna show to people the other side of UPM. Its sunshine is not blocked by the word 'agriculture', but the narrow mind of few people, their thoughts of agriculture. We should actually be proud of UPM, mmg pertanian no1 but that doesn't mean they cannot produce first class students yg boleh jadi doktor etc. Sometimes kalau kita tak minat pertanian pun, kita still boleh buat pertanian ni sebagai back up plan kita. Business. Tak perlu fikir kalau dipandang rendah, apa yg penting, diri kita. Be a successful person. Don't let other people decide who you wanna be.
So anyone yg dpt UPM nanti tapi tak yakin, i suggest you to just grab this precious chance in your life and enjoy it :) I'm proud to be one of ASPer-ians, byk experience baru and Alhamdulillah so far ok je kat sini. Kawan semua ok, gila gila tu macam biasalah kan hahaha. I hope i could survive the whole sem kat sini, and insyaAllah dapat sambung degree sini. Do pray for my success! Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi benda best nak share, tapi nanti panjang pula post ni hahaha. I'm sorry if my words hurt you, i didn't mean to do that :/ Ok bye, Assalamualaikum! :D
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